This is a special offer for readers of my blog, SIKKASPEAKS.
[no us or turkey traffic/signup/people allowed]
You just need to signup and verify by following steps.
1.Visit http://www.pokerroomprofits.info/
2. Scroll down till you see a green banner of 468*60 of pokerroom.com signup now [ above join free big blue banner]
3.Click that green banner,you will be directed to new website.
4.At top you will see a sign up link.
5.Fill up the signup form
6.Register with valid yahoo/rediffmail/gmail etc. mail ids. [ Don't use temporary mails like bugmenot.com,we won't consider that valid if you do so ]
7.You will get verification mail,verify your account.
8.Forward that verification mail to these two ids with adding ur paypal id in RED fonts.
After mailing comment here your paypal id and registration id in this post using blogger comment
Mail those sent to both ids will get payment after confirmation
NOTE : Remember No comment n mail = No payment
9. We will track you and on correct signup,we will give you 00.25$ that is 15 Rupees
You must verify registration id.
No more than one sign up from one PC and IP ,we track ip address and MAC address also.
00.25$ will be credited to your paypal id.We are not responsible for entered incorrect paypal id.
we are not responsible for mail un-delivery of mail.
Don't send mail more than 1 time from same id for same signup
No us or turkey traffic/signup/people allowed
NOTE: Copy this post to your blog/website/profile etc. I will pay who gives me signup.In return you will get visitors and backlinks.Its simple promote your blog via this offer.Get visitors!Get Hits!Get Clicks!